


Find us at the Intersection of El Prado & Cravens Avenues, Torrance, CA 90501

"We meet outdoors at the northeast end of El Prado Park and sit at Centennial Plaza (it has concrete ledges, so bring a seat pad/chair if preferred, plenty of space to spread out). This space is wheelchair accessible. 

Newcomers, old-timers, and people who haven't been to a meeting in months are welcome! This meeting is hosted by Cottonmouth Kev.  Join us in the park for an hour!"

Sunday 10:00 am PT - Online

Joint Effort

Zoom.us Meeting ID: 987 9991 5526

Join URL: https://zoom.us/j/98799915526?pwd=OEF2MnNldmoxL3AvdW5HUDBraEtkZz09

Password: 716661

Sunday 11:00 am - 12:00 pm PT - Online

Attitude of Gratitude

Topic / Participation Meeting

Zoom.us Meeting ID: 945 5000 3785 

Join URL: https://zoom.us/j/94550003785?pwd=UVE5bW1EVml6UzFvdzZKbnN3Q0loQT09

Password: 189565

Sunday 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm PT - Online

Sundazed and Confused

We've got a rotating format! The first Sunday of the month (Week 1) is a step study, week 2 is a speaker/participation meeting, week 3 is a round-robin participation meeting, and week 4 is a guided meditation/participation meeting.

Zoom.us Meeting ID: 932 2425 7844

Join URL: https://zoom.us/j/93224257844?pwd=dWpqS0lkalBMcXBCUTZZd2c5VEpXZz09

Password: 850498


Monday 7:15 - 8:15 pm PT - WEST L.A. - IN PERSON!

How's It Hangin'? - Men's Stag Meeting

Speaker / Discussion / Newcomers / Step study on the second Monday of the month

Stoner Recreation Center: 1835 Stoner Avenue, LA, CA 90025   

We meet in the community room behind the Opica Day Care building.
There is plenty of parking in the adjacent lot.

Monday 7:30 pm - 8:45 pm PT - Online

A Case of the Mondays

Speaker / Share / Step Study Meeting

The first Monday of every month will be a step study corresponding with the month. All other meetings will feature a speaker/share format.

Zoom.us Meeting ID: 967 4126 9528

Join URL: https://zoom.us/j/96741269528?pwd=b3dWNW5lV1ZwNUlzNTFnTmJQMWd3UT09

Password: 339736 

Monday 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm PT - Online


Book Study Meeting Reading Life with Hope


Tuesday 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm PT MWA, 835 E 33rd St, Signal Hill,  CA 90755

LBC: Life Beyond Cannabis  

In-Person in Long Beach - New meeting! Go check it out! 

Tuesday 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm PT - Online


All are welcome! We meet on Zoom every Tuesday from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM PST. 

For this round of the Book Study we will be reading MA’s “Life With Hope.”

Zoom ID: 831 9301 4829

Join URL: https://zoom.us/j/83193014829?pwd=d0tueTl2NzQrMkdsTzBNT1FzbWJkQT09

Password: !KNSf@r7

Tuesday 8 pm - 9:30 pm PT - CULVER CITY  - IN PERSON!

Higher Ground

Tuesday night’s MA ‘Higher Ground’ meeting is back in-person! Masks are optional.

Culver City Veterans Memorial Building - Iksan Room

4117 Overland Avenue, Culver City, CA 90230

(Parking adjacent to the building on Culver Boulevard)

Tuesday 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm PT - Online

Higher Ground Online

Speaker / Participation

Zoom.us Meeting ID: 967 5705 6648

Join URL:  https://zoom.us/j/96757056648?pwd=SGNxZGVrVWYrdkpBRERNUFRXTzBOZz09

Password: 225574


Wednesday 11:00 am - 12:00 pm PT - Online

WednesDAY at a time

Topic / Participation Meeting

Zoom.us Meeting ID: 956 9693 4348 

Join URL: https://zoom.us/j/95696934348?pwd=dzBtcUl0OWk4K0dORk1vUG1qWkFiZz09#success

Password: 100441

Wednesday 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm PT - Online - NEW DIRECT LINK BELOW

Dual Diagnosis - ALL are welcome!  

Meeting for addicts who also live with a mental health diagnosis, space to share openly about this "dual diagnosis" experience. 

Speaker / Participation

Zoom.us Meeting ID: 93758244296

Join URL: Link:


Password: 234436



Speaker / Participation 

Thelma McMillan Center

3333 Skypark Dr. Ste. 200, Torrance, CA

Room 8 (2nd floor through the door to the right of the elevator)

Wednesday 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm PT - CULVER CITY - IN PERSON!

Dopeless Hope Fiends

Speaker / Participation / Step study on the last Wednesday of the month

Located at SHARE! Center on 6666 Green Valley Cir, Culver City, CA 90230

Masks are optional. There is plenty of parking.

Meeting in a new room: the Unity Room. 

Come join us in a smaller, more intimate space with high ceiling and comfortable couches.

Straight back and to the left in the hall way.


Thursday 8:30 pm - 9:30 pm PT - SILVERLAKE  - IN PERSON!

Last Dance with Mary Jane 

Speaker / Participation

The in-person meeting of Last Dance is located at the A.T. Center, 1773 Griffith Park Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90026. 

On-site parking is limited; free parking is available at the Pep Boys a block down the hill from the A.T Center's parking lot.

Thursday 8:30 pm - 9:45 pm PT - Online!

Last Dance with Mary Jane  ONLINE

Speaker / Participation


Friday 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm PT - Online

High on Mindfulness

A Women and Female Spectrum Meditation and Participation Meeting

Please contact highonmindfulness@gmail.com for the Zoom access details!

Friday 8:30 pm - 9:30 pm - PT - WEST HOLLYWOOD - IN PERSON!

Blunt Recovery

Speaker / Participation

Located at the West Hollywood Recovery Center, at 626 N. Robertson. 

Free two-hour parking in the library parking lot, entrance on San Vicente blvd. Validate at the meeting and take your ticket to the ground floor office before you leave. (There is metered parking available - just be sure to read signs. Meters run all night and meters close to the Abbey are turned on in loading zones after a certain point, towing any cars parked there.) If you have any questions, please ask your GSR to pass along your information to Karen S. 

Fellowship follows the meeting!


Saturday 10:30 am - 11:45 am PT - WEST HOLLYWOOD - IN PERSON! 

High on Hope

Speaker / Participation (Book Study on the 1st Saturday of the month)

Fairfax Senior Citizen’s Center, 7929 Melrose Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90046. 

High on Hope is in the smaller room at the back, not the large auditorium. Signs will direct you. Street parking is limited so arrive early to find a spot. There are streets with unmetered two hour spots if you can walk two to three blocks east, west or south.

Saturday 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm PT - PASADENA - IN PERSON! 

Burning Bush -- new meeting

Speaker / Participation 

160 N El Molino Ave, Pasadena CA 91101. 15 minute Speaker lead followed by Participation meeting. The meeting is not in the church, we are the building next to the church on the left down the left driveway and in the middle building. 

LinkTree for fast links to all the online meetings and other resources:  https://linktr.ee/mad7    https://linktr.ee/MAdistrict7