District Service

what is a gsr?

GSR is short for "General Service Representative," an important link in how MA works

The GSR is a person elected by a meeting as a liaision to the District and M.A. World Services. They come to the monthly district committee meeting and report on how their meeting is going and get any support needed. It's a two way street: they also bring news from the District and Marijuana Anonymous World Services back to their meeting in the form of announcements called Pitch Points.

When are the DSC meetings? Next up August 14th, 2024.

The District Service Committee (DSC) meetings for District 7 are hybrid and meet the second Wednesday of every month from 7:30 pm to 8:30 PST.  

The in-person component meets at Stoner Park in West LA (1835 Stoner Ave, LA 90025). There is a parking lot off of Missouri Ave. We meet in the Community Room next to the outdoor basketball courts, and we have pizza!

The Zoom link, which is the same every month, is here

Anyone is welcome to attend, whether you represent a meeting or not. People from other districts are also welcome.

What is "District-level service?" 

When you come to the meeting as a GSR you are doing District Level Service. If you want to get more involved, there are Chair positions open right now like Public Information and Hospitals and Institutions. Suggested 6 months to 1 year sobriety.

As a new Chair, you'd get help to learn all you needed (which is called service sponsorship, where a fellow with experience in your new position trains you). Some of the District-level roles will sound familiar from the positions you can hold in an MA meeting, like Treasurer, Literature, Chips, and Hospitals and Institutions Chair (H&I). Other District Chair roles include Events, Webmaster, and Public Information. Come to a meeting and ask about the service role that interests you. Even if it's currently filled, you'll get an idea of what you can bring to the table in the future, and get to know more fellows.

How do I get on the email list and get monthly reminders about the meetings? 

GSRs and the District primarily communicate via our Google Group. Reach out to info.MADistrict7@gmail.com  and ask to be added.

JULY-AUG 2024 Pitch Points 

EMAIL Blast from MA Daily Reader:

Sign-up to receive “Daily Dose of MA Recovery” the Living Every Day with Hope daily email blast. Please note, these emails will start arriving in your inbox on August 1st! https://MA12.org/Daily-Dose

MA Literature: District 7 has restocked our Inventory!

LWH is $11, the workbook is $6, and all pamphlets are available at no cost. Please

contact the Literature Chairs Rob R or Jeff D at mad7lit@gmail.com to put your order in. 

Remember books and chips are now picked up in person at the monthly district meeting. (7:15 before the meeting starts at 7:30) If you are a remote GSR, someone else from your meeting can pick up for you)  The next DSC meeting is August 14. 


Many of us want chips of the quality we used to have, with a handy chain to attach them to things. Your District Committee is raising money to put in an order for new chips for the district from a new supplier. This will make chips cheaper overall for meetings, and allow us to get stock of anniversary/birthday chips for 2+ years again. We need about $2,000 total to make the minimum required order, which should last us for years. To meet that goal we are asking each meeting to consider donating between $100 and $200 to the district this summer. Consider passing the basket twice, or bring your creative fundraising ideas at the next District Meeting. Reach out to Chip Chair Lydia N at 206-418-9607 or ask your GSR for more information. 


The MA Convention is happening in San Francisco August 30- September 1, 2024. They are going to raffle off gift baskets for all the districts in attendance. We are looking for someone to volunteer to make a District 7 gift basket with items that celebrate LA! Please reach out to  info.MADistrict7@gmail.com  if interested. 

Convention: Gratitude by the Golden Gate  Learn more https://mawsconvention.org/   August 30 – September 1, 2024 

The MA World Convention is the annual recovery and social gathering for all of Marijuana Anonymous. The Convention includes workshops, keynote speakers, MA meetings, a dance, and a chance to fellowship with members from across the land. It’s a giant sober party and a great opportunity for growth in recovery and personal connections.

Registration, Scholarship Applications, and Hotel Bookings are open

We are hosting the next convention in 2025, so let’s go see how it's done and have fun at the same time.


District 6 is having their annual camp out in Malibu at Sycamore Canyon from August 23-26, 2024.  No registration needed to come Saturday evening for the potluck, campfire meeting, and sobriety countdown.  

Learn more here: https://www.madistrict6.org/campout/

District 7 NEEDS YOU!

We have openings for a Public Information Chair, a Hospitals and Institutions Chair, and another Delegate to connect with MA World Service. 

All M.A. fellows are always welcome to attend the District Meeting (the next one is on AUG 14th) in person in West L.A. or over Zoom and learn about these roles or see what happens to keep our District running. See this page at Madistrict7.org or our meetings page for more info.


Our delegate Manny brought us a great report about all the events at the Conference-- highlights like Ireland officially being inducted as District 29 (D29), the elections of new Trustees, and M.A.'s new Intellectual Property Policy about how use of our logo and trademark affect M.A. as a whole- http://ma12.org/IPFlyer    

Anyone can join a committee and participate in the business of M.A. World Service. 

Read the official Conference report here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zl6iuKo

Meetings that Need Support

- Sunday 7:30 pm “Sundazed and Confused” Zoom meeting

- Tuesday 7:30 pm "Higher Ground Online" Zoom meeting

- Wednesday 7:30 pm  Culver City in person "Dopeless Hope Fiends" 

Meeting NEWS

-Tuesday 6pm Book Study will be back July 16 and starting to read Life with Hope,  Zoom.  All are welcome

-Friday 6pm Chakra Meeting is still happening but now under the umbrella of Independent District 27. You can find the meeting on the M.A. Meeting Finder   


D7 Treasurer's Report FY 23-24   Link here 

DONATE TO DISTRICT 7 If your meeting has covered its monthly expenses, please consider donating to the District. These donations help the District and MA World Services function and carry the message to marijuana addicts all over the world. To donate to District 7, visit http://PayPal.me/MAdistrict7 OR log in to http://Paypal.com and contribute to info@MAdistrict7.org. In the notes, add your meeting name + "7th Tradition."

M.A. and A New leaf Publishing need you

Seeking volunteers for roles as ANLP Content Editor, ANLP Treasurer, ANLP Secretary and ANLP Design Editor for the Publishing branch of Marijuana Anonymous. Not necessary to have Design skills as a paid Creative Designer will be involved, so anyone with an interest can reach out about the role. Please contact HR@MA12.org about the paid special worker roles, or chair@ANLP12.org about the volunteer ANLP service roles. 

The descriptions for the ANLP volunteer roles and paid Special Worker positions are all posted on the MA Website (where it says "MA is Hiring") or at https://marijuana-anonymous.org/open-positions/   

Join the Trailblazers, the hiking group that meets every Sunday 

Let's hit the trails and explore the stunning natural beauty of Los Angeles together. Our hikes are open to anyone seeking a sober and supportive community while enjoying the great outdoors. Clear your mind and connect with nature. Join us as we blaze new trails and make lasting friendships. Contact mad7trailblazers@gmail.com for more information.


Thank you for your strength, your hope, and your service. 



(Not a pitch point, but for your information and your meeting/ chip person. Anyone who really craves understanding of this, please come to the next District meeting in August)

Meetings are autonomous, so your meeting can choose to buy chips with your own funds from any of the authorized vendors shown on the Google Doc link below, and may also go your own way.   Wood chips, pottery, it's up to you. The 12 Step Store in West Hollywood has plastic chips with no chain attached for newcomer through 2 years.  Larger questions about chips can be directed to the Chips Committee at chips@ma12.org. 

List of Authorized Vendors of M.A. Chips:    https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CXvF-lDSStz_AJFagRjy0b2JmPvg7yBQyOXLpq0j1Yw/edit      MA World Services' policy regarding its Intellectual Property requires granting written permission (in the form of a licensing agreement) to those who wish to use the MA Trademark name and logo. Recovery milestone tokens, chips, coins, and medallions help further MA's primary purpose to help carry the message of recovery  to marijuana addicts.

 Learn why we make efforts to protect the M.A. logo by reading reports from this year's convention: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1lWLw19pbTsK-WZDqNEmSsZlg6nkJLFzGPsmxQgnuvBU/edit?usp=sharing 

mar-anon announcement

Info for friends and family members with a marijuana-addicted loved one from MAWS Correspondence Trustee, Nina:

There is a program for loved ones of Marijuana Addicts similar to Al-Anon and Nar-Anon.  It is Mar-Anon.  Check out their website at mar-anon.com.  They have an online meeting daily and recently two in-person meetings have opened up though neither are in the District 7 area. (One just opened in the San Diego area.)  Please pass on this information to interested folks.


Stay in Touch with M.A. World Services via Newsletter 

M.A. World Service has two free email newsletters you can subscribe to:  Carry the Message and A New Leaf, the M.A. Literary Publication. Find the sign up option on the Marijuana-anonymous.org homepage or support page. 

District 7’s Relation to MA World Services

The fellowship of Marijuana Anonymous is served by the non-profit corporation called Marijuana Anonymous World Services. The purpose of MA World Services is to provide everything necessary for the fellowship of MA to function. Similarly, District 7 provides services to MA meetings in our territory, the Southern Los Angeles Metro area. District 7 is one of many MA Districts that have chosen to support the broader services offered by MA World Services (shout out to our sweet sister district, District 6, serving North Los Angeles)

Typically, each D7 meeting elects a General Services Representative, or GSR, who makes weekly or monthly announcements from our district or from World Services at their meeting. GSRs meet once a month to share information and updates, and to collect the pitch points we make in our GSR announcements. 

For more information about the different levels of service that make up Marijuana Anonymous, take a look at the "Services" tab on the MarijuanaAnonymous.org website